
The Iya Foundation

Project Description

Client: The Iya Foundation


Platform: WordPress / Photoshop

Designer: Kingsley Ndam

Complete redesign of the website including graphic design work on all elements. Plus Flyers and Brochures. Halucion also designed the original website as well.

  • Web Design
  • Ecommerce
  • Branding
  • Creative
  • Graphic Design
About the Client

Iya was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of seven, and subsequently lost her kidneys ten years later. Through the support and charitable effort of her family, friends, and her community, Iya was able to get a life saving renal transplant donated by her mother. Upon receipt of her transplant, Iya has made a commitment to helping low income uninsured patients who suffer from end stage renal disease, as well as educate, inform, and create awareness about chronic kidney disease . Check out our blog for our upcoming programs.

Chronic kidney disease education, awareness, and early detection in the U.S. African Immigrant community. The Iya Foundation, Inc. a New Jersey Non-Profit Organization; aims to save lives by educating and raising awareness on chronic kidney disease as well as raise funds that benefit low income uninsured End Stage Renal Disease Patients.

The Iya Foundation, Inc. believes every individual deserves a second lease on life. Through our programs, and with the help of Public and Private Funds, we intend to fight kidney disease through education and awareness; that will encourage early detection; hence subsequently delay or prevent complete renal failure.